This is the fund raiser which has the greatest potential. Purchase a store gift card from DCSF and use it to buy groceries, prescriptions, gas etc. 5% of your purchase is donated to DCSF, this does not cost you a penny. APPLICATIONS
This is a once a year event where Barnes & Noble share the profits of one business day with us! the event is typically scheduled in November. Info is shared from the school and this site close to the event. Click HERE to get your Donation vouchers that can be used at any Barnes & Noble throughout the country on the night of Dennison book fair at B&N
This too is a once a year event where we host a silent auction fund raiser. Info is shared from the school and this site close to the event (More Details) - yes we are always looking for volunteers for this fund raiser EMAIL US today!PAVER FUND RAISER:
This fund raiser is intended to allow families to participate in the celebration of our students’ experience at Dennison, by leaving a lasting memory in the grounds of Dennison. To order a paver CLICK HEREHOW CAN I HELP?
The easiest way is via a monetary donationThe cheapest way of donating HUNDREDS of dollars with out donating a dime is to participate in the King Soopers / Safeway program. We all spend over $800 a month on groceries, prescriptions and gas. So by participating in the program you will be facilitating $40 (5% of $800) per month or to put it another way $480 a year. Just think if all 420 families participated in this we could raise $201,600
The best way to donate? Try find a way that fits your budget. Often the most valuable donation is that of your time and passion.