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Dennison Elementary School 2010 CSAP Scores and Comparison to other schools in Jeffco. 
To see a comparison of Dennison with other schools in Jefferson County click "HERE
You can view Math, Reading and Writing scores by clicking on the tabs in the upper right of the page.

Dennison is the little blue dot!

Performance Framework Reports and Improvement Plans

The district and school performance frameworks provide a snapshot of the district or school's level of attainment on academic achievement, growth, growth gaps and postsecondary readiness.
Improvement plans provide information on the district or school's data trends, root causes and targets, and identify strategies and resources the district or school will use to improve student academic outcomes. INSTRUCTIONS:  click on the title at the top then chose 1420 - Jefferson County R-1 then Dennison Elementary and pick the report you would like to see. (Example below)

1420 Jefferson County- 1 Year DPF Report