Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Conservatively planning for $70 million in budget cuts

 Many of you may be hearing about the suggestions for reductions that have emerged from the district’s budget workgroups over the past few weeks. We are conservatively planning for $70 million in cuts over the next two years; a huge number that will mean the loss of jobs in every part of the district. The work of developing the reduction suggestions has been difficult – there just aren’t any easy solutions when the reduction target is this large.

More than 500 district positions could be eliminated over two years – that includes administrators, support staff and teachers. When you read the list of jobs that are being suggested for elimination, I’m sure you’ll have an emotional reaction because some of them are music teachers, teacher-librarians and classroom teachers. There are also central and school-based administrators, custodians and others who support the work that happens in the classroom. Please keep in mind that the $70 million reduction amount is a conservative estimate and we won’t know the full extent of the reductions until the state budget work is completed.

Throughout this process we are committed to keeping our focus on sustaining Jeffco’s excellence while balancing a budget that has been deeply impacted by the state’s financial crisis. My thanks to all of our parents who have served on the budget workgroups and to those parents who attended the budget meetings at your school. Every time we undertake this process, we learn – I have heard many helpful ideas from our community. In early 2012, members of the Jefferson County Board of Education will hold community budget forums, but in the meantime, please visit our website if you have budget-related comments. Thank you for caring for your children and supporting your schools – I hope you have a lovely holiday break.

Dr. Cindy Stevenson, Superintendent

Article from: Jefferson County "Chalk Talk, Friday, Dec. 9, 2011
Full Article HERE: http://jeffcoweb.jeffco.k12.co.us/communications/parent_news/archive/2011/December/2011.12.09.html